The preschool of my children always has an outdoor teaching in every semester. Today is the outdoor teaching day. We went to th...

Kemie Lin
I always go to the library in my leisure time to find some books I'm interested in, such as teaching children, marketing, communicating...

Kemie Lin
不知不覺中又快到了結婚一週年,昨天才又去拍了週年紀念照。 現在二個小孩都上幼稚園了,媽媽我其實也輕鬆不少,但相對的就也是要努力工作賺錢才有學費就是了。 這陣子晚上跟假日都沒有接課程,相對的陪小孩的時間也多了,每天晚上我總是會在睡前跟小孩一起玩、念書給他們聽或帶著二個小孩...

Kemie Lin
I have been a project manager of website development for seven years. Every time, before I communicate with a new customer, I have to search...

Kemie Lin
Most mothers who have two or more children have experienced fights between brother and sister. It's a very annoying thing to cope with a...